Do you own a Windows Phone? Do you love it?  Then the following news may come as a shocker to you.

Thes latest smartphone market share numbers are out for U.S. and unsurprisingly Android has the largest shares with a whopping 51 percent of smartphones running with android. But the new and attractive Windows Phone, earning many positive acclaims, is still too far behind with just more than 1 percent market shares. And as a fact it is even less than its predecessor Windows Mobile.
Google already announced that android activations grew from 100 million in 2011 by 4 times to 400 millions in 2012. That is an average of hugely impressive 12 activations per minute. And that is reflected in the Nielsen study of market shares.
The new study also shows that every two of three mobile buyers are going for smartphones. Among those, 51.8 percent smartphones are running android. Compare that to comfortably behind second, iOS by apple at 34.3 percent ( which to be fair, is also due to the fact that there are many less iOS devices compared to number of android devices available in the market) and far behind third in the race, Blackberry at 8.1 percent, and we can say that android has no threat in the immediate future.

In the Android market, Samsung expectedly leads with 17 percent market share. HTC is next with 14 percent market share followed by Motorola at 11 percent and the rest of manufacturers with combined 9 percent share of the android market.
Interestingly, Windows mobile, which tried to jam the whole windows desktop into a phone and failed in doing so making the phone more harder and messier to use, still runs on more smartphones at 3 percent market share than its far more usable and attractive Windows Phone OS at 1.3 percent market share.
All of that means just 0.9 percent smartphones running Symbian OS by Nokia so don’t get surprised if Symbian is not even mentioned in next years study. For now its Android and iOS which are winner all the way.