Bharti Airtel has finally brought Voice over LTE or VoLTE support for Nokia phones. The company announced that Nokia 8, Nokia 6 and Nokia 2 will now support Airtel’s VoLTE services. With the rollout of VoLTE services for Nokia phones, now users on these devices can experience HD quality crystal clear voice with faster call setup time. Airtel says VoLTE offers instant call connect which is three times faster than standard calls. In addition, the service allows for multitasking as VoLTE allows your internet session without interruption when you make a call.
Nokia users can now call on any mobile, landline network using Airtel VoLTE. Furthermore, customers won’t be charged extra for VoLTE and calls will be billed as per existing plan or pack benefits.
A VoLTE service can easily work on most 4G/LTE enabled devices, and Airtel VoLTE services are already available on wide range of smartphones including those of Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi and OnePlus among others. However, VoLTE services are available only in select few areas. The service is currently available only to Mumbai, Maharashtra, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana, Karnataka and Chennai.
In order to avail VoLTE service on Nokia device, you will have to get a 4G SIM or upgrade your existing connection to 4G from the nearest Airtel service centre
You just have to insert the Airtel 4G SIM in the slot with data capability and select the “4G/3G/2G (Auto)” as the preferred network mode. Follow these steps to enable the 4G data– Settings -> SIM networks -> Preferred network type -> 4G/3G/2G.
Then you’ll have to enable VoLTE on your Nokia smartphone. On Nokia devices, in order to enable VoLTE services, you need to go to Settings -> Mobile Network -> Turn on VoLTE call. Users of Nokia smartphones will see “HD/VoLTE” icon on the top bar of the screen, which indicates that their phone is ready for VoLTE calls.
However, even in the areas with VoLTE, the service depends upon the area which you are in. In case the 4G network coverage isn’t available, VoLTE calls automatically fall back on the 3G/2G network so that users stay connected.
Bharti Airtel is currently offering VoLTE services in Mumbai, Maharashtra, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana, Karnataka and Chennai.
Nokia users can now call on any mobile, landline network using Airtel VoLTE. Furthermore, customers won’t be charged extra for VoLTE and calls will be billed as per existing plan or pack benefits.
A VoLTE service can easily work on most 4G/LTE enabled devices, and Airtel VoLTE services are already available on wide range of smartphones including those of Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi and OnePlus among others. However, VoLTE services are available only in select few areas. The service is currently available only to Mumbai, Maharashtra, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana, Karnataka and Chennai.
In order to avail VoLTE service on Nokia device, you will have to get a 4G SIM or upgrade your existing connection to 4G from the nearest Airtel service centre
You just have to insert the Airtel 4G SIM in the slot with data capability and select the “4G/3G/2G (Auto)” as the preferred network mode. Follow these steps to enable the 4G data– Settings -> SIM networks -> Preferred network type -> 4G/3G/2G.
Then you’ll have to enable VoLTE on your Nokia smartphone. On Nokia devices, in order to enable VoLTE services, you need to go to Settings -> Mobile Network -> Turn on VoLTE call. Users of Nokia smartphones will see “HD/VoLTE” icon on the top bar of the screen, which indicates that their phone is ready for VoLTE calls.
However, even in the areas with VoLTE, the service depends upon the area which you are in. In case the 4G network coverage isn’t available, VoLTE calls automatically fall back on the 3G/2G network so that users stay connected.
Bharti Airtel is currently offering VoLTE services in Mumbai, Maharashtra, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana, Karnataka and Chennai.
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